Fun Ways to Change Up Your Thanksgiving Meal

We have officially come to the time of year when the only thing on everyone’s mind is, “How many more days until I get to eat all that amazing Thanksgiving food?” Or maybe the holiday shopping that is soon to follow-- but we like to think it’s the food. Check out these fun takes on traditional Thanksgiving side dishes! 


a dish on a wooden table covered in leaves and an apple cut in half. The dish contains stuffing covered in dark red dried fruit.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with classic stuffing on Thanksgiving day-- but we have to admit, it can get a little boring. If you’re simply looking to amp up your tried and true stuffing recipe, give any one of our seasonings a try! We recommend trying Pasta Lovers Paradise for an added Italian spin, or Sesame Herb and Garlic for a different, complex flavor. 

If you’re looking for a lower-carb alternative to traditional stuffing, try making it with quinoa! You can mix it in with sweet potato, brussels sprouts, or any other seasonal vegetables of your liking and add your favorite spices! At the end of the day, stuffing is an incredibly customizable Thanksgiving side dish-- there’s really no way to go wrong.


Mashed potatoes and sweet potato casserole are both Thanksgiving staples. But what if you’re getting tired of the same old potato dishes year after year? There are plenty of other potato options for your family gathering!

slices and cooked sweet potatoes on a plate. A blurred background with whole sweet potatoes.

Baked sweet potatoes are perfect this time of year, and it eliminates the tedious mashing that comes with making mashed potatoes. Simply prick your potatoes with a fork and pop them in a 425° oven for about 45 minutes and you’ll be good to go. We recommend whipping up a batch of brown sugar butter to go with them! 

Another fun twist on potatoes is to make potato puffs! All you have to do is make your mashed potatoes like normal and put them into puff pastries. Cook up your favorite veggies to mix in and cook, and you’re done! 


Pie and Thanksgiving go together like two peas in a pod. But on top of the hundreds of variations of pies that are made for Thanksgiving dinner each year, there are also many other options! For example, cheesecake and bundt cake also tend to be holiday favorites this time of year. 

multiple baked goods including a pie, bread and a roll cake all sitting on a wooden table with fall decorations such as pinecones and candles.

If you want to put a seasonal twist on the traditional bundt cake or cheesecake, try adding a maple glaze or some holiday spices in your mix! We recommend putting our new Ginger Bread Seasoning up to the task. Of course, you can also add this to cookies, brownies, even coffee! 

We hope this helped get the wheels turning for those of you who want to switch up your Thanksgiving meal this year. Of course, we encourage you to try out all of our seasoning blends and experiment with them. Who knows what culinary delights you’ll discover?